Euroopan kartta Koneen säätiö


Updated 29.5.2024

Martti Puohiniemi

Year of birth: 1952

Education: Doctor of social sciences 1995, Social psychologist (University of Helsinki)

Occupation: Independent researcher

Present job: Independent researcher and consultant. At present I am writing two books both of which based on Finnish life and history.

Occupational career:

Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Assisstant researcher 1978-79.

University of Helsinki: Assistant lecturer, 1979-80; Researcher, 1990-94;

University of Helsinki's Swedish School of Social Science, Part-time lecturer 1998-2023.

Marketing Radar Ltd, Research manager, 1980-88.

RISC Monitor-attitude study, Team member 1980-98.

Advertising agency Taucher, Young & Rubicam, Consumer Insight Director, 1988-90.

Advertising agency Holopainen & Puohiniemi, Managing director, 1990-91.

Aalto University, Part-time lecturer 2009-2013.

Limor Oy, Managing director, Researcher, Consultant 1991-13.

Independent researcher, 2014 -

Positions of trust:

Finnish Marketing Association, Research Department, Board member 1985-88, Chairman 1986-88.

Finnish Marketing Research Society, Board member 1988-91, Chairman1989-91.

Pathfinders Club, board member, 2002–05, Chairman  2005.

The most important publications:

Puohiniemi, M. (2023). Suomalaisen arvomaailman muutos, globalisaatio ja ajan henki. 3rd edition. (Title in English: Finnish Values in Change, Globalization and Zeitgeist). Helsinki:

Puohiniemi, M. & Verkasalo, M. (2020). Zeitgeist effects, fragmentation of media use, and value consensus. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, Vol. 8(1), 300–332.

Puohiniemi, Martti & Helkama, Klaus (2018): Privacy Changed Its Meaning in Finland 1999-2015. In Klaus Helkama (Editor): Values Knowledge and Morality. Publications of the Faculty of Social Sciences 98. Helsinki University Printing House.

Puohiniemi, Martti (2011): Arvot, asenteet ja ympäristönsuojelu (Values, attitudes and  protecting the environment). Teoksessa Harju-Autti, Neuvonen, Hakkarainen: Ympäristötietoisuus. Suomalaiset 2010-lukua tekemässä. Ympäristöministeriö. Rakennustieto. Helsinki.

Puohiniemi, Martti (2006): Täsmäelämän ja uusyhteisöllisyyden aika (The Era of Smart Life and New Collectivism). Limor Publishing House.

Puohiniemi, Martti (2003): Löytöretki yrityksen arvomaailmaan (Discovering Corporate Values). Limor Publishing House.

Puohiniemi, Martti (2002): Arvot, asenteet ja ajankuva (Values, attitudes and Zeitgeist). Limor Publishing House.

Puohiniemi, Martti (1996): Suomalaisten arvot yhteiskunnallisessa muutostilanteessa (Finnish values and changing societal situation). Teoksessa Kirsti Ahqvist ja Anja Ahola (toim): Elämän riskit ja valinnat. Hyvinvointia lama-Suomessa? Edita and Statistics Finland.

Puohiniemi, Martti (1995): Values, attitudes and consumer behaviour. An application of Schwartz’s value theory to the analysis of consumer behaviour and attitudes in two national samples. Research reports 3/1995. Department of Social Psychology. University of Helsinki. (Dissertation).

Puohiniemi, Martti: (1993): Suomalaisten arvot ja tulevaisuus (Finnish values and the future). Prime Minister's Office Publications 1993/5.

Puohiniemi, Martti ja Selosmaa, Jenni (2009): Murrosajan arvot (Values and a time of great changes). Limor Publishing House.

Rajalin, Sirpa, Pöysti Leena ja Puohiniemi, Martti (2008): Ovatko kuljettajan arvot ja minäkuva turvallisuustekijöitä (Are drivers’s values and self-perception safety factors?). Liikenneturvan tutkimuksia 122/2008.

Puohiniemi, Martti ja Nyman, Göte (2007): Mies. Arvot, roolit ja tunteet (The Man. Values, roles and emotions). Limor Publishing House.

Puohiniemi, Martti, Toiskallio, Kalle, Harri Peltola (1995): Liikenneturvallisuus ja tienpidon vaihtoehdot (Traffic security and  different road maintenance and improvement strategies. Results). Tutkimus erilaisten intressiryhmien näkemyksistä. Tulosraportti. Tielaitoksen selvityksiä 38/1995.

Puohiniemi, Martti, Toiskallio, Kalle, Harri Peltola (1995): Liikenneturvallisuus ja tienpidon vaihtoehdot. (Traffic security and  different road maintenance and improvement strategies. Methods). Tutkimus erilaisten intressiryhmien näkemyksistä. Menetelmäraportti. Tielaitoksen selvityksiä 38/1995.

Presentations in international scientific congresses:

Martti Puohiniemi: How everyday life changes values in the context of globalization? The Annual Social Psychology Conference 2022. Divisions. Visual and other approaches to current social psychology. 5-6 May 2022. University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio campus.

Martti Puohiniemi and Markku Verkasalo: The four seasons of globalization: How diffusion of new technology shapes human values in 1981-2015. 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology ICAP, Montreal 28th June 2018

Martti Puohiniemi, Markku Verkasalo and Klaus Helkama: How Zeitgeist and Media Fragmentation are Linked to Value Change and Value Consensus? 24nd International Congress of International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology IACCP, Guelph, 2nd July 2018.

Martti Puohiniemi: The trendsetters of value change. How the combination of pro-environmental activity and technological innovativeness induces value change? 24nd International Congress of International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology IACCP, Guelph, 4th July 2018.

Martti Puohiniemi and Markku Verkasalo: Value structure and improving the comparability of different inventories in the analysis of time series. 23nd International Congress of International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology IACCP, Nagoya, Japan, 30th July - 3rd August 2016.

Martti Puohiniemi and Markku Verkasalo: Value Structure, Overall Change and Zeitgeist Effects in Finnish Values in 1981-2015. 23nd International Congress of International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology IACCP, Nagoya, Japan, 30th July - 3rd August 2016.

Martti Puohiniemi: Value change, economic optimism and diffusion of new technology. World Psychological Forum WPF, Praha, Czech Rebublic 17th – 19th September 2015.

Martti Puohiniemi: Media consumption, new technology and value change. The 14th European Congress of Psychology ECP, Milan, Italy 7-10 July 2015.

Martti Puohiniemiand and Kim Zilliacus: Pro-environmental values, actions and postmodern thinking. The 14th European Congress of Psychology ECP, Milan, Italy 7-10 July 2015.

Martti Puohiniemi: Values, demographics and societal change. 22nd International Congress of International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology IACCP, Reims, France. July 16th 2014.

Martti Puohiniemi: Diffusion of new technology and the vicissitudes of human values. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology ICAP, Paris, France. July 12th 2014.

Martti Puohiniemi: Two approaches to value change – a 21 year follow-up study in Finland. A presentation in the 21st International Congress of International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology IACCP. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 2012.

Martti Puohiniemi: Social change and human basic values– a 19 year follow-up study in Finland. A presentation in the 30th International Congress of Psychology ICP. Cape Town, South Africa. 2012.

Martti Puohiniemi: DCV - Discovering Corporate Values. A presentation in the Istanbul Regional Conference of International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology IACCP. Istanbul, Turkey. 2011.

Martti Puohiniemi: Value change - a challenge to cross-cultural comparisons. A presentation in the 5th Latin American Regional Congress of International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology IACCP. Mexico City, Mexico. 2007.

Martti Puohiniemi & Klaus Helkama: The Schwartz's values and Shweder's "Big Three" in morality. A presentation in the 18th Congress of International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology IACCP. Spetses, Greece. 2006.


Schwartz, Shalom H. (2011): Kulttuuriset arvo-orientaatiot: Kansallisten erojen luonne ja seuraukset (Cultural Value Orientations: Nature & Implications of National Differences). Limor Publishing House.


Finnish Social Psychological Association


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