Euroopan kartta Koneen säätiö

Archiving and use of the data series, and funding of the study

Comparable and anonymized research materials from the years 1991, 1999, 2001, 2005 and 2015 have been archived permanently in the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) under the name 'Suomalaisten arvot ja arkielämä' ('Finnish values and everyday life'). The dataset is available for download for research, teaching and study purposes. Access condition (B).

The translation of the data files into English is in progress. So far only the data files of 2005 and 2015 are available in English. The rest of the data files (1991, 1999, and 2001) will be translated by the end of May 2025. The questionnaires will not be translated, but a lot of descriptive material of the research is available in English already now.

Five waves, 7095 respondents and 116 pages questionnaires

The archived material includes the information provided by 7095 respondents of the survey. The data was collected using questionnaires with a total number of pages of 116. In the data archive, the materials from different years are named as follows (sample size and number of pages of the questionnaires in parentheses).

- Year 1991: FSD3744 Finnish values and everyday life 1991 (N=1845; 7 s.)

- Year 1999: FSD3745 Finnish values and everyday life 1999 (N=1204; 28 s.)

- Year 2001: FSD3746 Finnish values and everyday life 2001 (N=1402; 28 s.)

- Year 2005: FSD3748 Finnish values and everyday life 2005 (N=1293; 32 s.)

- Year 2015: FSD3749 Finnish values and everyday life 2015 (N=1351; 21 s.)

Download data from Aila

Archived material is used through FSD's Aila. Data download is free of charge. Some data are available for all users but in most cases download requires registration. Students and staff from the Finnish universities, polytechnics and research institutions can register themselves using HAKA authentication. Other users apply for a username from FSD User Services.

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Finnish values and everyday life -series in Aila

Funding of the study
The study has been funded by the Academy of Finland, the Kone Foundation, and my now discontinued company Limor Oy. In the years 1999-2005, the study was also financed by carrying out company-specific studies for seven companies interested in values. The materials collected for companies contain a wide selection of attitude and behavior data that examines different areas of life. All seven companies have given permission to archive the data collected for them in FSD, and under the same conditions as other research materials.

© Martti Puohiniemi 2004-2025 - - ☎ +358 400 609 726